Schroth Method for Scoliosis 脊椎侧弯治疗

The Schroth Method is a non-surgical physical therapy treatment for scoliosis that uses customized exercises to improve posture and spinal alignment. Schroth exercises are based on a patient's specific spinal curve and include breathing, strength training, and posture awareness. Exercises are done in front of a mirror to help the patient see their body's position and movement. 

Schroth therapy can help:
  • Stop scoliosis from progressing 
  • Reduce the chance of needing surgery 
  • Improve mobility 
  • Reduce pain 
  • Improve breathing quality and lung capacity 
  • Decrease joint pain
施罗斯疗法(Schroth Method)的主要内容包括呼吸训练、肌肉强化、日常姿势的矫正。 其主要治疗概念是在姿势过度矫正、呼吸练习之后,患者就要进行全身最大力收缩的强化运动,让身体能记忆住最好的位置。 百年施罗斯脊柱侧弯矫形体系是目前全球脊柱侧弯保守治疗领域最佳治疗方案,该体系经过德国施罗斯家族三代百年传承,目前已经形成以“施罗斯体操和施罗斯GBW支具”为核心的完整高效的脊柱侧弯矫形方法。



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